4. Okt. 24
21:30 Uhr
All white Party
Whaaat??? White Party in Zug?
Yes!!!! We are bringing Zug to a whole new level!
Our motivation is the true creation of MUSIC CULTURE in Zug for PEOPLE to GET TOGETHER. We have chosen for YOU a very special set of DJs/ Producers for this night. Indeed, our headliners are specially flying from Ibiza (Spain) and Cali (Colombia) to meet our local DJs for an amazing night with the finest electronic music.
Get your ticket now!
Also, we will be supporting Solidale that night. Created by Jose Fernando Holguin, it aims to provide reintegration of people fallen into drug addiction and to offer them new possibilities. Feel free to donate.
* Du hast die Möglichkeit zu einer Ticketing-Spende: Ticket4WATER für Viva con Agua | Spende jetzt CHF 2.00 und ermögliche Menschen in Südafrika den Zugang zu sauberem Trinkwasser. Wähle einfach die entsprechende Ticketkategorie an, um die Wasserprojekte von Viva con Agua Schweiz zu unterstützen. Viva con Agua leistet zudem wichtige Sensibilisierungsarbeit in der Schweiz.
Mehr Infos: www.vivaconagua.ch