Galvanik Loader
  • The Galvanik

The Galvanik cultural centre has been a cultural hub since 1995. Whether concerts, readings or parties - the Galvanik offers a varied programme for every taste. The centre also has 11 rehearsal rooms and a large multifunctional room, which can also be used for private parties. 8 permanent employees and numerous freelancers ensure that everything runs smoothly and many partner organisers support the varied programme with their great commitment.

Our team

Dino Sabanovic
Booking & Deputy Head Director

Isabella Darling
Administration / PR

Pascal Bühler
Event & Service Manager

Harry Darling
Technical Manager

Sheryl Emmenegger

Oliver Lanninger

Dusica Stöckli 
Bar Manager


Verein Interessengemeinschaft 
Galvanik Zug (IGGZ)

The Galvanik is not only a cultural centre for music lovers, but also a meeting place in Zug. Over 25 years ago, the Galvanik was born out of the great commitment of creative and courageous minds and thanks to the immense support of many friends of the house, the cultural centre could be rebuilt after the devastating fire of 2008, which is why the community is enormously important to us - without it, the Galvanik would not exist.

Actively support the cultural centre by becoming part of it and becoming a member!

Verein Interessengemeinschaft 
Galvanik Zug (IGGZ)

The Galvanik is not only a cultural centre for music lovers, but also a meeting place in Zug. Over 25 years ago, the Galvanik was born out of the great commitment of creative and courageous minds and thanks to the immense support of many friends of the house, the cultural centre could be rebuilt after the devastating fire of 2008, which is why the community is enormously important to us - without it, the Galvanik would not exist.

Actively support the cultural centre by becoming part of it and becoming a member!

Vision / mission statement

The Galvanik is a cosmopolitan meeting place where passion for culture and a warm family atmosphere come together.

The Galvanik is an important place of identification for young Zug residents and for music culture. It is a popular meeting place and open space for culture of all kinds. Through participation, co-determination and involvement in various activities, the attachment of the people of Zug to the building has always been very strong.

Galvanik offers a professional platform that actively promotes the artistic development and creativity of young, regional artists. "Making instead of consuming" has always been the motto. Art should be created, organisers promoted.

Galvanik is the pulse sensor for what moves the young Zug music scene. At this point, the management actively supports the organisers in the planning and budgeting of events and relieves them through the 50/50 model. Although this model requires the profit to be shared, it also offers to share the loss if the event is unsuccessful.

Galvanik is known for its variety of styles and pursues a programme strategy of diversification: from concerts in the fields of rock, pop, hip hop, reggae, singer-songwriter, dialect and electronic music to comedy events and readings. The concept of partner events also means that there is always room for new ideas and formats. In this way, Galvanik is always close to the grass roots and makes new things possible.

Supporters and partners

Thank you!

The Galvanik has 11 rehearsal rooms of approx. 20 m² each. The rehearsal rooms are intended to enable bands and artists to pursue their artistic activities and are used exclusively for this purpose. The monthly rent is 400. If you would like to be on the waiting list, please send an e-mail to:


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